
  游戏被命名为“蓝鲸”据说是受到了俄罗斯摇滚乐队 Lumen 的启发,歌词前面几句就是:当没人听见你的时候,为了什么而叫喊,我们在述说什么…

  这个号称“蓝鲸”的游戏也是努力将生活中的一切都无意义化,在加入后参与者只能走完全程接受死亡,不然就会受到威胁,类似于“我们会杀掉你全家”这类的,这些参与者年龄一般在 10-14 岁,判断力不足很容易让他们相信这些威胁并听从对方的摆布。


俄罗斯死亡游戏蓝鲸挑战任务是什么 蓝鲸挑战内容一览


  1.On the arm blade cut f57 (blue whale, 4: 20)

  2.Wake up at 4:20 and watch scary video

  3.Cut lengthwise veins of the arm (not deep) only three cuts

  4.Draw a whale on a piece of paper

  5.If you're ready to become a whale you write "yes" kn the blade leg, if not, do with their hands whatever you want (doing a lot of cuts and so on)

  6. In code

  7.scratched f40

  8.Write in the status #I'm a Whale

  9.Should overcome your fear

  10.Get up at 4:20 and go to the roof

  11. It is necessary to scratch out a whale on the hand (or make a drawing on the hand)

  12.The whole day watching scary video

  13.Listen to music that they send to you

  14.Cut the lip

  15.Poke the needle arm

  16.Make yourself hurt

  17.Go to the roof of the largest and stand on the edge

  18.Going to the bridge

  19.Climb on the crane

  20.Check to trust

  21. It is necessary to talk on Skype with a whale 22.Sit down on the roof of the feet

  23.Again, the job with the code

  24.Secret Mission

  25. meet with whale

  26. You say the date of death, and you must accept

  27. 4:20 go to the rails

  28. Do not talk with anyone

  29. Give an oath that you're a whale From

  30-49 you every day you wake up at 4:20, watch videos, listen to music, and every day doing one cut on her hand, talking to a whale. We jump (hangs up, jump out of the window, you go under a train, negativeside tablets)


  2. 4:20起床,看恐怖电影;

  3. 在胳膊上切出三道浅口;

  5. 如果你准备好成为一头鲸鱼,就在腿上刻几个口子;

  8. 在VK时间线上写道 “我是一头鲸鱼”



  19. 爬起重机;

  21. 在Skype上和鲸鱼谈话;

  26. 自己说出自己的死亡日期,并接受她;

  27. 凌晨四点二十起床去铁路;

  28. 不给任何人说话;

  29.宣誓自己是一头鲸鱼; 之后的每一天都4:20起床,看恐怖电影,听恐怖音乐,每天进行自残并与鲸鱼说话。 最后:结束自己的生命。

俄罗斯死亡游戏蓝鲸挑战任务是什么 蓝鲸挑战内容一览

  可以看出,这些任务的重点在于通过生理上的睡眠剥夺、扰乱生理节律、迫使接触恐怖信息等方法,增加参与者的大脑及心血管的不稳定性,使其精神更加错乱,并逐渐对自残等行为麻木不仁。同时,向其灌输一些反社会的观荒谬念,如“世界上最美好的东西都以s开头,包括sex, saturday ,suicide”等,攻破心理防线,最终在其心中植入一种视死亡为圣物的观念。