
《CSGO》7月7日更新了什么 7月7日更新内容一览_CSGO手游


- Premier matchmaking can now be selected together with other competitive maps.

- Added competitive matchmaking presets and ability to save/load favorite map selections.

- Added a link to CS:GO Fair Play Guidelines when playing on official game servers.


- “狂牙大行动优先权”匹配模式现在可以与其他竞技地图一起勾选;

- 增加了竞技匹配预设,以及保存/读取玩家所选择地图的能力;

- 在官方游戏服务器游玩时,增加了一个“CS:GO公平竞技准则”的链接;

《CSGO》7月7日更新了什么 7月7日更新内容一览_CSGO手游



- Bullet penetration check will ignore the firing player model entirely.

- Fixed bot difficulty selector to correctly apply for offline with bots War Games matches.

- Stability improvements.


- 子弹穿透检测将完全忽略开枪者的模型;

- 修复了BOT难度选择器,以正确适用于离线的BOT战争游戏模式;

- 稳定性改进;

CS:GO Fair Play Guidelines

Playing CS:GO together works best when everyone goes into a match with similar expectations. Players who choose to play on official CS:GO servers are expected to:



In all modes:

- Never cheat.

- Never grief or verbally abuse your teammates or opponents.

- Never use any automation for any reason.


- 不作弊;

- 不要故意干扰队友,或者辱骂你的队友或对手;

- 不要出于任何原因使用自动化脚本;

In Competitive and Wingman:

- Play to win.*

- Play the full match.


- 为胜利而战(备注)

- 完成整场比赛;

Failure to play following these guidelines may result in various penalties, including cooldowns, communication restrictions, and Game Bans.


*Obviously it’s fine to try new things and experiment with new strats and skills, but players should not enter a match with the intention of losing or disrupting their teammates.
