智龙迷城Dragons v9.4.1 ios版

【游戏简介】 以三消的方式来战斗,但是又和传统的三消不一样,连击时的畅快感觉无与伦比!宠物的培养与进化,各种属性的相克,让这款游戏充满变化。这款游戏日语部分不多,就算不太懂的朋友应该也没多大问题。 【游戏特色】 关于相同颜色的水滴,它是一个益智游戏,安排和擦除三的长度或宽度。 我会动滴好,会在说的时候擦,并会瞄准一个补的组合! *与怪物战斗! 如果滴被删除,一个盟友的怪物将攻击敌人! 在被敌人破坏之前,我会在一个组合中的目标是一个大的伤害! *我将建设一个团队由得到的怪物! 如果在地牢里聚集的蛋被带回家,一个新的怪物会诞生! 我只会让你的原始团队结合一个最喜欢的怪物! Gatsha还可以在另外一个地牢获得怪物! 它是和一个朋友一起玩的。 一个怪物可以租用的朋友,成为熟悉游戏内! 它仍然是更愉快的,如果它冒险一起与一个朋友的怪物! 【版本更新】 What‘s New in Version 9.4.1 Ver. 9.4.1 Update Details New Features: Maximum Monster Box size has been raised from 3,500 to 4,000 The initial Monster Box size has been raised from 20 to 100. Existing players will also have their maximum Monster Box size raised by 80 The initial maximum team cost has been raised from 20 to 100. Existing players will also have their maximum team cost raised by 80 Mail may now be sorted before deletion The number of monsters unlocked in the Monster Book is now displayed Players may now continue Multiplayer play after a GAME OVER result Changes: In the Evolution menu, the monster thumbnail will no longer be highlighted in cases where only Ultimate Devolution is available In the Quest menu, the title bar will no longer darken when there are unclaimed rewards In Multiplayer play, friends’ rooms found using the search feature will be displayed if the players continue playing for multiple sessions When continuing Multiplayer play, the Friend Request option will only be displayed once Bug Fixes: - Multiplayer bugs have been fixed - Other miscellaneous improvements |